Clark County Schools Achieve Training and Resources
I have omitted confidential information and assets in this case study. The information in this case study is my own and does not reflect the views of Clark County School District.
Clark County School District is the fifth largest school district in the United States, and educates 75 percent of all students in Nevada. As the largest school district in Nevada, CCSD plays a pivotal role in ensuring the future success, growth, and advancement of the state.
The Challenge
Develop accessible and on-demand learning opportunities to support the implementation of the Clark County Schools Achieve reorganization effort, an initiative designed to move more decision making to the local school level.
My Role
I joined CCSD in 2017 as a Project Facilitator. I was part of a 3 person team: myself, another Project Facilitator, and our supervisor. We were responsible for effectively designing and developing differentiated professional development programs and activities across the district.
The Approach
Since we were a small department with a limited budget, free and easy to use tools were the way to go. CCSD was a Google district, so it made sense to use Google Sites to house our resources.
A screenshot of our training website landing page
Self-Serve Options
My teammate and I developed a website that contained information, resources, and training materials about the reorganization effort. This provided accessible and on-demand options for CCSD staff to learn more about forming their School Organizational Teams (SOTs). We used simple icons to convey the information in each section.
Leverage and Revise Existing Assets
Existing training materials, while extremely helpful, were text-heavy. I revamped and reorganized past training materials to include interactive and personalized learning experiences.
Showcase Best Practices
The reorganization effort was relatively new for schools, and there was overwhelming feedback from school leaders to see best practices and examples in action. I produced a video series showcasing CCSD schools that embodied positive climate and culture.
Canarelli Middle School was one of the schools featured in our Climate and Culture video series.
While the training website has since been removed and district priorities have changed, the website and accompanying resources were supported CCSD staff in understanding the reorganization effort.
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